How great is it for Canadians to celebrate Canada Day in the summer? Many corporations take this opportunity to combine the celebration of Canada Day with their annual Corporate Summer Event.

Let’s face it, what is a celebration without food? When invitations specify that there will be food for all, participation skyrockets! Below you will find eight tried and true recipes for a successful Corporate Event celebrating Canada Day.

They are:

  1. Canada Day Themed Ice Cream Sundae Bar
  2. Do you remember when you were a kid and you heard the beep beep sound of the ice cream truck approaching the house? Do you remember how excited you felt? The anticipation of the cold, creamy ice cream on your tongue made your mouth salivate. Bring back those childhood memories with an ice cream sundae bar. This is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser especially when we dress it up in Canada Day colours. Start off with some red and white décor. Add several varieties of ice cream. Then add some crunchy red and white toppings and finish it off with decadent whipped cream.  Voila!  Here you go with your Canada Day Ice Cream Buffet. Yummy!

  3. Maple Taffy Pops
  4. As a frequent visitor to the USA and Britain, my choice of hostess and family gifts are bottles of Canadian Maple Syrup. What can be more Canadian?  Here is a perfect Canadian Day twist on maple syrup. Hot maple syrup is poured over a bed of crushed ice. As the syrup cools, it thickens, and your guests scoop it up and twist it around wooden sticks to create a taffy lollipop. So delish eh? Is your mouth watering yet? The added bonus is that your guests can walk around enjoying their lollipops

  5. Vintage Candy Cart with Red and White Canopy
  6. Consider a Vintage Candy Cart specially designed for Canada Day.  This delectable sweet treat is suitable for all sorts of occasions such as Corporate Events, Store Openings and Products Launches.

    However, special for Canada Day let’s dress it up with a red and white canopy. This will set the theme for your Corporate Canada Day celebration. The glassware display all dressed up in Red and White is gorgeous. Your guests can fill acrylic gift boxes which can be customized with your corporate logo. The fun starts with deciding which candies to choose. Will it be scrumptious hard sweet and sours, or soft and chewy gummy bears or even humungous jawbreakers? Finish off the theme with attendants dressed in Canada Day costumes.

  7. LolliWaffles with Red and White Icing
  8. Think about the last time you went to a pancake restaurant and the aroma of freshly baked waffles beckoned to you. Your mouth is watering.

    This is a perfect walk-around treat baked right on the spot. Let your guests decorate their Belgian LolliWaffle with red and white frosting.  Or this delectable treat can be savoury with a cheesy centre and red marinara sauce. Complete this food station with an attendant wearing a traditional red and white costume. Does it get any better than this?

  9. Candy Limbo Sticks with red and white candy
  10. Our brand-new Candy Limbo Stick station is great for children as well as adults. Simply fill the 4-foot-long limbo tube with a variety of red and white candies and see how low you can go. This is a fun activity with lots of action. Make sure you play the limbo song as loud as possible!

  11. Maple Leaf Cookie Station
  12. As opposed to a Gingerbread Cookie Decorating Station usually served at Christmas switch this up to create a truly Canadian experience. The traditional Canadian Maple Leaf cookie is freshly baked off-site and brought to your venue. The Maple Leaf-shaped cookies can be decorated with red and white icing and a variety of candies and sprinkles. Let your imagination run wild with your Canadian Cookie. You can enjoy them on the spot or save them for a treat at home.

  13. RCMP Stilt Walker Handing out Canada Sweet Treats
  14. Don’t you just love a guy or girl in uniform? Your RCMP stilt walker provides you with amazing photo ops.  They make it look effortless as they hand out authentic rich flavoured maple leaf-shaped Canadian candies which melt in your mouth. These symbolize the sweetness of Canada.

  15. Slushie Machine Serving Red and White Slushies
  16. Who says that you need to be a kid to enjoy an ice-cold Slushie? This is a perfect treat to serve to your thirsty guests when the weather is hot and steamy. Enjoy mixing your red and white Slushie and feel the blast of icy coldness in your mouth as it slides down your throat. Ahhhhhh!

  17. Other Entertainment Ideas
  18. Consider rounding out your Corporate Event with a face painter featuring Canada Day themes. Or catch all the Canada Day Celebrations with a Photo Booth with Canada Day-themed props.

    Imagine everyone’s delight when the Ice Cream Cart arrives with your branded Corporate Canada Day greeting.

    Is there anyone who does not love a balloon-twisting clown producing red and white balloon sculptures?

    One of the favourite events culminating the evening of the Canada Day celebration is the Fireworks. Whether you are a youngster or an adult, we all love the explosion of brilliant colours blazing through the blackness with dazzling stars and spirals and blossoms.

Friends, I hope that I have given you some great ideas on how to produce an incredible Canada Day Celebration for your company.

Pop! Events Group is the first call for you to make. We will execute your entire event and create memories and guarantee that the Canada Day Corporate Event will be amazing.

We will be waiting for your call today! 416-665-3594

Eventfully Yours
Elayne Isenberg