Keeping Safe with Socially Distanced Events
Drive-In Live Shows Drive-Through Holiday Party Food Truck Events Outdoor Social Distancing Games and Social Distancing Activities The Circus is in Town Social distancing is now the “in” buzzword. It’s simple. It means keeping healthy people safe. No more, no less....
25 Exclusive Corporate Gift Ideas that are Inspiring & Experiential
Around the holiday season corporate gift ideas are a big subject. I can’t think of anyone who does not enjoy receiving a gift, especially when it is unexpected. It doesn’t matter if you are young or old there is a certain anticipation and excitement surrounding a...
23 Fun Virtual Corporate Event Ideas – Updated!!
1. Virtual Murder Mystery 2. Virtual Chocolate Making 3. Virtual Cooking Class 4. Virtual Family Feud 5. Virtual Photo Booth 6. Virtual Scavenger Hunt 7. Virtual Children’s Holiday Party 8. Virtual Casino Parties 9. Virtual Awards Gala 10. Virtual Name That Tune 11....
9 Ingenious Car Dealership Event Ideas to Drive Business to You
1. Themes to Entice Customers 2. “Endless Summer” Promo 3. Entertainment Events 4. Promotions Using Social Media 5. Holidays Sales Events 6. Autumn Promo 7. “Deal of a Lifetime” – Viva Las Vegas! 8. Pay it Forward Day Promo 9. “Kid’s Day” Promo People are...
22 Innovative Ideas for a 2021 Virtual Christmas Party – Updated!!
1. Ugly Sweater Making Party 2. Virtual Chocolatier 3. Virtual Photo Booth 4. Christmas Party Craft Kits 5. Xmas Casino Party 6. Cookie Decorating Party 7. Corporate Holiday Party 8. Christmas Scavenger Hunt 9. Office Christmas Name That Tune 10. Holiday Decorating...
17 Resourceful Ideas for Engaging Remote Employees
1. Game Playing Events 2. Virtual WFH “Catering to Go” 3. Pub Night 4. Virtual Casino Night 5. Throw a Virtual Party 6. Family Fun Time 7. Virtual Award Galas 8. Virtual Wellness Programs 9. Virtual Creative Experiences 10. Whodunnit Games 11. Photos, Livestreaming...
36 Inspirational Virtual Event Ideas
Many remote workers feel isolated and crave personal interaction with their co-workers. Out of necessity, businesses, communities, families and educators have found ways to interact with others…. Virtually.